ACT® Prep Course

When is the ACT given, and how do I register my student?

How many times can the ACT be taken?
The ACT can be taken up to twelve times. Testing two to three times usually provides students with their best score results.

When are the ACT Prep Courses at Problem-Solving Math?
The ACT Prep Course students meet weekly for six to seven weeks prior to the national ACT test date.

Where are the ACT Prep Course sessions held?
All sessions are held at the tutoring office located in Parkersburg, WV unless virtual accommodations have been made.

Who can join the ACT Prep Course?
Public, private, or homeschooled high school students registered for an ACT test date may participate in the ACT Prep Course. ACT test date registration confirmation is preferred. The Test Prep Contract must be signed by the student and a parent or guardian prior to beginning the course.

How many points will my scores increase after taking the ACT Prep Course?
Specific score increases are not guaranteed as there are many uncontrollable factors that can impact test prep and test day. Students who attend each session, ask questions, use the strategies, complete their skills practice, and do their very best on test day may see score increases ranging from one to over ten points. Learning by osmosis is not actual learning; students must put in the work.

How much is the ACT Prep Course?
The six-week ACT Prep Course non-refundable cost starts at $450 and is subject to change. If the WV Promise Scholarship of $5,000 per year is earned as a result of increased test scores, fully participating in the ACT Prep Course becomes over a 4,444% "return on investment." Where else can you find returns like that?

The full course amount must be paid prior to or at the first session unless other payment arrangements are discussed in advance. The ACT Prep Course cost will not be prorated by session nor will missed sessions by the student be refunded. Students who choose to not complete their practice, cheat on their practice tests, or fail to attend sessions may be dropped from the course without refund.

What materials are included in the ACT Prep Course?
All test prep materials, except for calculators, are provided. This includes at least four practice ACTs, content review notes, formula sheets, test strategy explanations, and targeted, individualized skills practice.

Which calculator is needed for the ACT and ACT Prep Course?
Students are responsible for reviewing the ACT Calculator Policy (link) and ensuring an approved calculator is used. Examples include TI-30X IIS or TI-36X Pro for scientific calculators and TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus CE for graphing calculators. Calculators may be purchased from Problem-Solving Math depending on availability.

What do you do in the ACT Prep Course?
Students will learn test strategies specific to the ACT, review necessary content knowledge, and practice the skills needed to perform their best on the ACT. At least four ACT exams will be completed by students in addition to targeted skills practice based on customized skill analysis. Students are fully responsible for completing all assigned work.

What makes Ashley qualified to teach ACT Prep Courses?
Ashley Boggs is a licensed teacher in Secondary Math and Science, Elementary Education, and Administration with a Master's degree and secondary math teaching experience. Additionally, Ashley is an ACT-Certified Educator trained to help students do their best with resources designed for score improvement. Ashley has helped students earn tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships with score growth ranging from two-point composite increases to over ten-point section score increases in as little as three weeks.

How do I register my student for the ACT Prep Course?
Contact Ashley by email, text, or call to register. Please include the student's name, school and grade and the parent/guardian's name and contact information. The student's prior scores, score goals, and high school course list will be requested upon follow-up.


Phone: (304) 483-8679 - Voicemail must be left to have your call returned.

Please review the tutoring policies here.